
Fighting immigration issues, battling bridesmaids, and planning the wedding of my (our) dreams!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Choose the Shoes

Sounds like a TLC original show, right? Okay, maybe not.

As you know - I'm not much of a shoe or brand name or fashion icon. I wear a pair of shoes until they break, fix them somehow, and keep it going until they're totally destroyed. My BMs will likely be barefoot or in flip-flops; and I have not thought twice about my feet for the big day.... Until now.

Supposedly, your shoes should be picked out before your dress fitting, which means less time than anticipated. And surprisingly, I like heels even more than sneakers. Yup, it's all or nothing for this girl here. So it's time to buy shoes. Solemates will likely follow.

I absolutely adore those cute pictures of bright colors popping out below a wedding dress. Sure, it's trendy now - but I liked it before it became big!

The logical color choices would be green or purple but I haven't found anything that pops out yet, have about $0 budget for this, and want to be able to wear them again. Enter yet another DIY project: the 'Pretty Shoes'
(Source and Instructions)
Are these not amazing? Basically, you take regular shoes and tie/add on chiffon fabric in a cute and funky way! They seem easy, too (watch me eat my words)! And, best of all, if I change my mind as I so often do - I can just change them to different fabric!

Are you going the traditional route with your shoes? Are fashion or comfort your priority for the big day?

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