
Fighting immigration issues, battling bridesmaids, and planning the wedding of my (our) dreams!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh, you want to SEE?

Mr. T and I walked into Buenaventura with Mr. Tango's parents, looked at each other, and said "One day, we're going to get married here". After becoming engaged, it was never a question where our venue would be. I mean, can you blame us?
We can't use this area (the 'Club House') until 7pm, because the people who live here have access until that time. Lame. We finally convinced them to let us have a beach sunset ceremony a couple of hundred yards down to the right of this picture in an area that's not being used; and we'll use the Club House for the reception.

Now, everything is so beautiful I know I don't need too many decorations. That's good, since I can't do much from here and won't have tons of time to set up. The one thing I'm worried about is lighting. We're going to need something that looks decent in the daylight, but is really functional providing light - since most of our time will be spent after sunset. Something like this....
...which would look something like one of these at night.

Can you tell I love the white paper lanterns? Know what else I love? Candles!

And string lights:


We're still working out the details, but those are the ideas so far. Oh, and I want to take advantage of the pool so it looks something like this:
So we can do this at the end of the night!
It's all elegant and classy until we decide to have some fun!

Are your decorations functional as well as pretty? What types of lighting will you have?

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